Last Autumn, I decided to dedicate much more time to drawing. All my years of travelling I have always sketched people, so I went back to my roots – people on the move, going about their daily business. I naturally gravitated towards the railway station, still on the travel theme . People are focused on their journey and give me little attention – even when they sit in my sketch!
I have an A4 moleskin sketchbook, handful of pens and pencils and a small bag of collage papers and glue. Cambridge station has some good window sills and benches to perch for a while but generally I keep moving – as do my subjects. I do love the strong lines and shapes silhoutted in the station. Here are examples of the first stage.
Back in my studio I work into theses sketches with more collage papers, charcoal, paint and pencil.

Cambridge commuters
I took the drawings to into monoprints with paper stencils and hand drawn lines and more collage.
I am really enjoying working in this way but intend to get back into some big colour work very soon!
You can see some of station monoprints and drawings at the Cambridge Art Fair (Primavera Gallery stand E2) October 10 -12th 2014