Creative Concertina Sketchbook Workshops and Holidays

concertina sketchbooks

I have two workshops booked for 2024 at LUND STUDIOS   2/3rd July and 8/9th October. (Contact Steve at Lund for information and booking)

I am excited to announce that I have joined up with The Blue Walk to offer a holiday in Greece May 2025. If you wish to join me on this collage sketchbook journey in the sun please have a look on The Blue Walk website for full information. Places are filling fast!

My workshops are fun and hardworking, you do not need to prepare anything, just come along and develop your sketchbook pages in a supportive environment. We will work with inks, pens, pencils,paint and collage to develop 4-10 pages on a theme. We will be responding to the collage elements and mark making, as in my sketchbooks.

Please contact me for more information

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