The Friday night private view of the Drawing Society spring show is always a crowded buzzing event. For me, it marks the start of the warm weather and sunny cycling days, no gloves or hats! When I returned to the UK and moved to Cambridge, the society was the first place where I sold my work, so I always exhibit with them each Spring and Autumn.The standard of artwork has got better and better, it is great place to buy original work at a fair price.
Last night was no dissapointment, lots of new faces, sales and some really positive comments. I met two lovely ladies from Germany, a gallery owner from Devon and sold ‘Railings’ to a local lady – who is a collage fan and already owns a John Tordoff piece. If you are in Cambridge please do visit, the show is on all week at the Guildhall, Cambridge.

Railings and rooftops Marrakech