January 3rd 2014

Sooo.. Welcome to my blog.

I have been busy finding my way around wordpress and paypal. Lots of images blogged and not many words so far.  I have a very tight neck and sore shoulders from sitting at my laptop for three days so I am looking forward for to a big yoga session tomorrow. Next step is to intergrate all this social media. I am on FB and twitter and use mailchimp for newsletters – which is really user friendly.

What finally made me sit down and get on with it?

Signing up with Kathryn Roberts http://www.yourartimage.com/   made my write a business plan. I follow Katherine Tyrell’s fantasic blog http://makingamark.blogspot.co.uk/ here I came across Roos Schuring http://rosepleinair.com/category/grow-your-art-business/

I watched Roos’s inspirational ‘no messing –  do it now’ clips and got on with it. A big thanks to all those artists who spend their precious time sharing their marketing knowledge to help others. A happy creative, inspiring, focused, positive, productive New Year!

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