Collage work in progress
Here’s a collage that I am working on at the moment. Underneath there is a collage from last year that I wasn’t too happy with. You can see the layers of tissue, newspaper, paint, packaging and print. The placing, moving and replacing stages can take minutes…or days!
On the move
I am really loving sketching on the move, alas I am often the driver (not the train!) This way of drawing forces me to capture the details in seconds and, of course, each image is made up of many views.
White House Arts Sketchbook workshop
I am running a ‘Sketchbook inspiration’ workshop at the White House Arts in Cambridge email or call 01223 420018
17th and 18th May 10.00am-4.00pm £100 inc. materials, except sketch books
Sketchbooks are delightful, personal accounts of daily experiences, observations and daydreams. We take time to draw what is seen, imagined, remembered and felt. They help us to rediscover and engage in the joy that comes from drawing and sketching natural and manmade environments that surround us.
This course is suitable for those who love ‘sketch booking’, but need some fresh ideas or motivation. Also for those who love the idea, have bought the book, but it is still sitting on the shelf!
Observing our environment and everyday objects, also using text and found images, you will have the opportunity to experiment with a variety of techniques in order to develop your sketchbook pages. We will identify what inspires you, the best way to record it and how to respond creatively on your page. We will use a range of materials including pens, paints, collage, Please bring with you your sketchbooks full, half full and ready to go!
Back to my roots, sketching at Paull on the river Humber, last week in glorious Spring sunshine
Old town, Hull. Rediscovering why I love the childhood sights and smells of timber, diesel, seaweed. sun baked rusty metal..
Cambridge Drawing Society
The Friday night private view of the Drawing Society spring show is always a crowded buzzing event. For me, it marks the start of the warm weather and sunny cycling days, no gloves or hats! When I returned to the UK and moved to Cambridge, the society was the first place where I sold my work, so I always exhibit with them each Spring and Autumn.The standard of artwork has got better and better, it is great place to buy original work at a fair price.
Last night was no dissapointment, lots of new faces, sales and some really positive comments. I met two lovely ladies from Germany, a gallery owner from Devon and sold ‘Railings’ to a local lady – who is a collage fan and already owns a John Tordoff piece. If you are in Cambridge please do visit, the show is on all week at the Guildhall, Cambridge.

Railings and rooftops Marrakech